The last two weeks have been crazy!!! Life with a newborn is full of mixed emotions, sleep deprivation, lots of snuggles & sore breasts 😛 Sharing a few things that have made my life easy in the last 2 weeks and please note that these are postpartum essentials for the Mom and this post doesn’t cover the baby essentials as I’ll share those in my registry blog post!

The above picture has everything that you need for down there for the soreness (may vary based on the tear level & in case of a C-section). I have also included Bio Oil (helps with stretch marks and firming) plus the belly band that provides back support as well as helps shape the belly as you’ll have the loose skin after delivery. Click on the picture to shop these via my profile.

IMO, breastfeeding is harder than pregnancy!! I had no idea that pumping & feeding will take up most of my time & energy & someone said it correctly…’ You don’t know tired unless you’ve breastfed a newborn’! Having said that, I also want to emphasize on the fact that it is totally okay to go with formula feeding and there is nothing wrong with not choosing to or being able to breastfeed. Every new Mom should feel great about herself <3 The above picture has all the breastfeeding essentials that have made my life easier & would highly recommend having each of these ready for your postpartum journey.
Hope y’all find this post helpful and as always, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions 🙂
I want all the products…
Can you please tell me name and use of all the products.
My baby boy is 1 and half months old today